Governing the bairro clandestino of Cova da Moura (1974-2015). Decentred and collaborative governance in an informal neighbourhood in Lisbon’s metropolitan area
Oct, 2023 | Co-author | European Urban and Regional Studies
D6.4 URBAN GreenUP Global NBS engagement, networking and knowledge transference
Mar, 2023 | Co-Author (until 2022) | URBAN GreenUP Project Deliverable
Potencialidades e constrangimentos para um urbanismo 'com os pés no chão'. Reflexão crítica a partir da requalificação participativa da Entrada Sul, Bairro da Cova da Moura
Dec, 2022 | Author | Revista Espaços vividos e espaços construídos
D7.9 Guidelines to foster international cooperation
Mar, 2023 | Co-Author (until 2022) | URBAN GreenUP Project Deliverable
Integrated Action Plan of Bragança - Find your Greatness
May, 2022 | Co-Author | URBACT’s Project Deliverable
D7.10 Report on lessons learnt for the large-scale deployment of NBS and guidelines on how to overcome them - URBAN Green-UP mini-handbook
Mar, 2022 | Co-Author | URBAN GreenUP Project Deliverable
D10.8 Outreach Strategic Management Plan - V2
May, 2022 | Reviewer | RESPONSE’s Project Deliverable
The (hidden) role of the EU in housing policy: the Portuguese case in multi-scalar perspective
Feb, 2020 | Co-author | European Planning Studies
Comparative planning and housing studies beyond taxonomy: a genealogy of the special programme for rehousing
Jun, 2018 | Co-author | AESOP Transactions
Housing policy and multilevel governance: the case of Portugal and the (hidden) role of the European Union
Jan, 2018 | Co-author | AESOP Congress
Urban in/justice and quasi-quantitative mapping: Placing gated residential developments and social rehousing processes in Lisbon metro
Jan, 2018 | Co-author | American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting
"She's lost control", or not
Jan, 2017 | Author | STUDIO Architecture & Urbanism Magazine, n.11
Um novo PER? Realojamento e políticas de habitação em Portugal Jan, 2017 | Co-author | ICS Observa Policy Briefs
Informal is not illegal From practices to legal framework - Interview to Ana Pinho
Jan, 2014 | Author | STUDIO Architecture & Urbanism Magazine, n.07 Illegal
D6.5 URBAN GreenUP knowledge transfer activities
Mar, 2023 | Co-Author (until 2022) | URBAN GreenUP Project Deliverable
O papel (oculto) da União Europeia nas políticas de habitação: o caso de Portugal numa perspetiva multi-escalar
Sep, 2020 | Co-author | Confidencial Inmobiliario
Italian experience, foreign architects : Stories of those who pulled it off
Aug, 2018 | Contributor | TCA Think Thank
Social housing policy or social policy for housing? The role of the Programa Especial de Realojamento (PER) in the housing/planning nexus in Portugal
Jan, 2017 | Co-author | AESOP ‘17 Book of Proceedings
Cross breeding practices. (Re)framing urban regeneration from a place-based approach
Jan, 2015 | Author | STUDIO Architecture & Urbanism Magazine n.08
Beyond an age-friendly city: participation of elders in the social production of space through urban agriculture practice
Jan, 2012 | Co-author | CITTA 5th Annual Conference
D1.2 Roadmap for Urban Transformation
Oct, 2023 | Co-Author (until 2022) | SPARCs Project Deliverable
D4.1 – Master City Plan for TA#5 Citizen-Centric, Resilient and Safe Cities
Set, 2021 | Author | RESPONSE’s Project Deliverable
D1.08 Strategy for Developing Interoperability and Ecosystems for Positive Energy Districts
Mar, 2021 | Co-author | SPARCs Project Deliverable
Governance of Housing Policies - (co) production of institutional knowledge and capacity building
Jun, 2019 | Co-author | Revista Cidades, Comunidades e Territórios
Book of abstracts of the Third International Conference of Young Urban Researchers
Jan, 2018 | Co-Editor | ISCTE-IUL
Inclusive communities, exclusionary city, planning n/a? Mapping condomínios fechados semi-quantitatively in Lisbon, Cascais and Barreiro
Jan, 2018 | Co-author | Imprensa de Ciências Sociais
Terrific: come si racconta la città contemporanea?
Apr, 2017 | Interview of Giuseppe Resta | ArtWort
The filmic language as a tool for urban understanding. Interview to Antonio Brito Guterres
Jan, 2017 | Author | STUDIO Architecture & Urbanism Magazine, n.11
Fostering local development through economic inclusion - Interview to André Carmo
Jan, 2016 | Author | STUDIO Architecture & Urbanism Magazine, n.09
Right to the city through right to change urban perception
Jan, 2013 | Co-author | ICS Conference Sensing the City