PROBONO | The Integrator-centric approach for realising innovative energy efficient buildings in connected sustainable green neighbourhoods (2023)
Company: PNO Innovation
Funding: H2020
Role: Team Member
Main Responsibilities: Development of activities supporting communication, dissemination and exploitation of project results; Participation in consortium meetings and organization of meetings with project partners; Development of project deliverables.
C-STREETS | Cooperative Streets (2022)
Company: Empresa de Mobilidade e Transporte de Lisboa (EMEL), Direção de Inovação e Soluções em Mobilidade.
Funding: Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Role: Project Manager
Main Responsibilities: Management of active tasks; Financial and administrative reporting; Management of institutional relationships with project partners and the financing entity; Development of technical reports.
Company: Empresa de Mobilidade e Transporte de Lisboa (EMEL), Direção de Inovação e Soluções em Mobilidade.
Funding: Lisboa 2020 - Programa Operacional Lisboa (FEDER); Municipal Fund; Fundo Ambiental
Role: Project Manager
Main Responsibilities: Planning and management of the execution of cycle tracks in the city of Lisbon, including: Risks identification and mitigation; Financial reporting; Management of institutional relationships with funding entities; Coordination of activities between company departments; Development of technical reports.
MOBIL-T | Mobility Ticketing for Multimodal Transport in Lisbon (2022)
Company: Empresa de Mobilidade e Transporte de Lisboa (EMEL), Direção de Inovação e Soluções em Mobilidade.
Funding: Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Role: Project Manager
Main Responsibilities: Management of active project tasks; Financial reporting; Management of institutional relationships with project partners and financing entity; Development of technical reports.
TRANCÃO RIVER | Cyle pedestrian bridge (2022)
Company: Empresa de Mobilidade e Transporte de Lisboa (EMEL), Direção de Inovação e Soluções em Mobilidade.
Funding: Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Role: Project Manager
Main Responsibilities: Planning and management of the implementation and execution of interventions for the construction of the Pedestrian Bridge of Rio Trancão: Risks identification and mitigation; Financial reporting; Management of institutional relationships with funding entities; Coordination of activities between company departments; Development of technical reports.
RESTART | Masterplan for Lisbon's Multimodal Mobility Hub (2022)
Company: Empresa de Mobilidade e Transporte de Lisboa (EMEL), Direção de Inovação e Soluções em Mobilidade.
Funding: Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
Role: Team Member
Main Responsibilities: Technical inputs for the definition of the: Mobility hub concept; Methodology supporting the governance model; Development and review of project deliverables, Multimodal urban mobility scenarios.
VOXPOP | People, Processes and Technology (2022)
Company: Empresa de Mobilidade e Transporte de Lisboa (EMEL), Direção de Inovação e Soluções em Mobilidade.
Funding: Urban Innovative Actions (UIA)
Role: Team Member
Main Responsibilities: Support in the organization of communication and dissemination activities (Transport Research Arena 2022, Lisbon); inputs for developing and reviewing project deliverables.
RESPONSE | Integrated Solutions for Positive Energy and Resilient Cities (2020-2022)
Company: Sociedade Portuguesa da Inovação (SPI ), Lisboa & Porto
Funding: H2020
Role: Project Manager
Main Responsibilities: Management of active tasks and work packages including technical support to project partner cities for the definition of strategies and action plans (urban planning, governance, resilience, co-creation and citizen involvement, adaptation to climate change) in the short, medium and long term (2030; 2040; 2050), including the organization of participatory workshops involving private companies, local authorities and local organizations; Development and review of deliverables; Development of communication, dissemination exploitation and replication activities; Management of relationships with internal and external partners; Administrative and financial reporting.
SPARCS | Sustainable Energy Positive & Zero Carbon Communities (2019-2022)
Company: Sociedade Portuguesa da Inovação (SPI ), Lisbon & Porto
Funding: H2020
Role: Project Manager
Main Responsibilities: Management of active tasks and work packages including technical support to project partner cities in the development of strategies, visioning and roadmaps for urban transformation by 2030, 2040 and 2050, based on social engagement processes and focused on positive energy districts and neighborhoods, with the organization of participatory workshops with stakeholders (including local authorities and local associations); Development and review of deliverables; Deployment of communication and dissemination activities; Development of methodological tools for the evaluation of participatory processes in pilot cities; Development of territorial diagnoses, guidelines and strategies for pilot cities for scaling-up and replication activities; Management of relationships with internal and external partners; Administrative and financial reporting.
URBAN Green UP | New Strategy for Re-Naturing Cities through Nature-Based Solutions (2019-2022)
Company: Sociedade Portuguesa da Inovação (SPI ), Lisbon & Porto
Funding: H2020
Role: Project Manager
Main Responsibilities: Development of guidelines for international cooperation on NBS; Development and management of the international cluster of cities on NBS; Analysis of barriers and opportunities for the large-scale deployment and replication of NBS, carrying out knowledge-exchange activities (webinars; participatory workshops) on NBS and re-naturalization urban plans between civil servants of pilot cities and external stakeholders and experts (coaching, mentoring and staff exchange activities); Development and review of deliverables; Management of relationships with internal and external partners; Administrative and financial reporting.
Company: Sociedade Portuguesa da Inovação (SPI ), Porto
Role: Team Member
Main Responsibilities: Development of communication and dissemination activities, including the organization and of events in Spain for the promotion and enhancement of tangible and intangible cultural heritage; Development of deliverables.
Technical Assistance
Preparation and Submission of projects proposal to LIFE Funding Programme (2023)
Company: Self-employed (2023)
Client: SINLOC S.p.A
Role: External consultant
Main Responsibilities: Leading the writing, preparation and submission of project proposals for grants applications to LIFE 2023 Clean Energy Transition LOCAL (Technical support to clean energy transition plans and strategies in municipalities and regions); OSS (Integrated services for clean energy transition in buildings and businesses); PDA (Project Development Assistance for sustainable energy investments) in all the sections of the proposal (Workplan including WPs/Tasks description; Administrative Info; Methodology and Pilots; Impacts; Excellence; Budget; etc.), including organizing and managing consortium meetings and separate calls with technical partners.
Screening of national funding opportunities in the tourism sector in Portugal (2023)
Company: Self-employed (2023)
Role: Main consultant
Client: Private
Main responsibilities: Analysis of existent funding opportunities for the development of a rural tourism unit in Portugal Centre, including the delivery of a report.
Development of project proposals | European, national, regional and local funding opportunities (2019-2023)
Company: Various: SPI (2019-2022); EMEL (2022); PNO Innovation (2023), Lisbon and Porto, Portugal
Role: Team Member & Proposals Leader
Main Responsibilities: Writing, preparation and submission of project proposals for grants applications for different funding programs and initiatives: Horizon Europe (HE), European Green Deal (EGD); Horizon 2020 (H2020); Circular Cities and Regions Initiatives - Coordination and Support Office (CCRI-CSO); New European Bauhaus (NEB); World Bank and European Commission Tenders; Connecting Europe Facilities (CEF); Urban Innovative Actions (UIA); Portuguese Environmental Fund - Fundo Ambiental (FA); Regional Operational Program - Lisbon (POR Lisboa); Portugal Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR); Initiative Culture for All - FSE Investment Priority 9.1 (NORTE-30-2019-22); Creative Europe (EACEA-28-2019);
Studies on R&I Investments in Agro-Food Systems in Italy (2022)
Company: Sociedade Portuguesa da Inovação (SPI), Lisbon
Role: Team Member
Main Responsibilities: Analysis of public policies (Italy) and R&I programs developed in the food sector; Conducting interviews to public actors (ministries and applied research institutions) and processing quali-quantitative data (statistics); Development of the study on R&I investments in Italy within the framework of the Food 2030 Strategy.
Bragança's Roadmap and Tourism Integrated Action Plan | Find Your Greateness (2019-2022)
Company: Sociedade Portuguesa da Inovação (SPI), Porto & Lisbon
Funding: URBACT
Role: Team Member
Main Responsibilitites: Development of the roadmap and action plan 2022-2027 for local development with a focus on territorial marketing, including: Definition and implementation of a pilot project; Definition of monitoring and evaluation systems; Stakeholder management of the local action group through the design and implementation of participatory sessions; Participation in consortium meetings; Development of project deliverables.
ESHBA | Supramunicipal Housing Strategy for Baixo Alentejo (2022)
Company: Sociedade Portuguesa da Inovação (SPI), Lisbon
Role: Team member
Main Responsibilities: Development of the prospective territorial diagnosis (including site visits in the municipalities and conduction of semi-structured interviews with civil servants and local organizations); Development of the short, medium and long term strategy (action plan, pilot projects, operational and financial programming of housing solutions, governance models and monitoring and evaluation mechanisms); Development of project deliverables;
ELH | Local Housing Strategies of Macedo de Cavaleiros; Vila Pouca de Aguiar; Vimioso; Póvoa de Varzim; Montalegre; Mogadouro; Sesimbra; Palmela (2019-2022)
Company: Sociedade Portuguesa da Inovação (SPI), Lisbon & Porto
Role: Team Member
Main Responsibilities: Development of territorial diagnoses (including site visits in the municipalities and semi-structured interviews to civil servants and local organizations); Development of short, medium and long term strategies (action plan, operational and financial programming of housing solutions, governance models and monitoring and evaluation mechanisms); Managing meetings with municipal teams and the Institute for Housing and Urban Rehabilitation (IHRU); Support in the operationalization of ELHs; Development of projects deliverables; Support to municipalities in the implementation of ELH (planning the implementation of the housing solutions and definition of applications to financial schemes.
Municipal Housing Chart of Ribeira Grande (2022)
Company: Sociedade Portuguesa da Inovação (SPI), Lisboa
Role: Team Member
Main Responsibilities: Development of (remote) methodologies and tools for participatory diagnoses to support the implementation of participatory sessions with the municipality, parish councils, local organizations and citizens.
Revision of Educational and Sport Chart of Alcochete (2021-2022)
Company: Sociedade Portuguesa da Inovação (SPI), Lisboa
Role: Team Member
Main Responsibilities: Development of the territorial diagnosis; Development of the long-term scenario and projections of the scholar and sports population; Development of the intervention proposal, including the definition of strategic priorities, the intervention and planning program and the formulation of public policy recommendations for the implementation of the educational and sports policy; Definition of the methodology and implementation of focus groups, world cafés and semi-structured interviews with privileged local actors, including civil servants and local organizations; Data processing; Development of deliverables and technical reports.
ARU | Definition of Urban Rehabilitation Areas of Argozelo, Carção, Pinelo and Santulhão (2020-2021)
Company: Sociedade Portuguesa da Inovação (SPI), Porto
Role: Team Member
Main Responsibilities: Development of territorial diagnosis, including preparation and carrying out of site visits; Definition of criteria, assumptions and operational proposals for delimitation of the ARUs; Identification of the tax benefits framework; Development of project deliverables and reports.
Development of research outputs for the research project "exPERts – Making sense of Planning Expertise: Housing Policy and the role of Experts in the Programa Especial de Realojamento"
Company: ICS-ULisboa (Instituto de Ciências Sociais of the Universidade de Lisboa)
Role: External Consultant (freelance)
Main Responsibilities: Development of graphic materials for the final conference of the project; Transcript of interviews
ABBIATEGRASSO PARTICIPATE | Path towards the identification of strategic policy issues for the update of the Municipal Director Plan (2013-2014)
Company: KCITY - Rigenerazione Urbana, Milan, Italy
Role: Team Member
Main Responsibilities: Development of the master plan and territorial strategy for urban regeneration within the review process of the municipal director plan of the City of Abbiategrasso (Italy), including: Development of participatory territorial diagnoses and strategies; Development of digital tools to involve the local community; Process and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data (interviews, focus groups, carrying out site visits); Stakeholder mapping and policy analysis and design; Development of deliverables and project outputs including cartographic products.
Development of a project proposal (2024) - Social inclusion through art practices
Company: Self-employed (2024)
Client: Residents’ Association of the Historical Centre of Mértola
Role: External consultant
Main Responsibilities: Preparation of the project proposal to be submitted to a private foundation’s fund, including the development of the consortium.
Applied Research
exPERts | Making Sense of Planning Expertise: Housing Policy and the role of Experts in the Programa Especial de Realojamento PER (2017)
Research Organization: IGOT-CEG
Funding: PTDC/ATP-EUR/4309/2014
Role: Research Assistant
Main Responsibilities: Spatial analysis and mapping of informal settlements and public housing neighborhoods in Lisbon Metropolitan Area; Development and conduction of interviews to civil servants and local organizations; Policy analysis of housing policies; Development of strategic partnerships between the university and public authorities; Development of reports and project results; Project events organization.
Exploring the contribution of relational space for promoting the right to the city. Experimental research at Cova da Moura, greater Lisbon Area (2014)
Research Organization: GESTUAL-CIAUD/FA-UTL, Lisbon, Portugal
Funding: EXPL/ATP-EUR/1772/2012
Role: Urban Planner and Junior Consultant (external freelance collaboration)
Main Responsibilities: Design, implementation, management and evaluation of participatory processes in urban regeneration projects in the Alto da Cova da Moura neighborhood, including the development of interviews with the local community and the development of studies, territorial diagnosis and reports.
OPtar | Participatory Budgeting as innovative tool for reinventing local institutions in Portugal and Cape Verde? A critical analysis of performance and transfers (2013)
Research Institution: CES, Coimbra, Portugal
Funding: OPTAR; PTDC/CS-SOOC/099134/2008
Role: Research Assistant
Main Responsibilities: Technical assistance for the capacity building of civil servants of nine municipalities in Portugal for the implementation of participatory budgeting projects, including the facilitation of meetings with local communities and the development of interviews for the production of the documentary “Uma revolução tranquila”.
Cosmopolitan habitus or functional internationalization? The construction of otherness in the context of international academic mobility (2013)
Research Institution: CES, Coimbra, Portugal
Funding: ESPM Fund
Role: Research Assistant
Main Responsibilities: Development of surveys through digital tools (LimeSurvey) and conduction of interviews to university students and quali-quantitative data processing.
Other Activities and Outputs
1st Housing Forum | Research project "The local governance of housing policy. A study of municipal housing strategies" - LOGO - (Mar, 2024)
University: Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ICS-UL), Lisbon, Portugal
Role: Invited expert
Main Responsibility: Moderation of the thematic sessions (world cafe') with civil servants of the municipalities of Lisbon Metropolitan Area; Roundtable’s speaker
Innovation and urban finance: a study of contemporary World Bank operations | Doctoral thesis of Fernando Caetano, Urban Management Doctoral Program (Mar, 2023)
University: Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUCPR), Paraná, Brasil
Role: Invited member of the jury
Main Responsibility: Participation in the doctoral defense and examination.
The age of experts. Practices and techniques of housing policies. Reflections from the Portuguese case (Apr, 2019)
Organization: Mapping San Siro, Milan, Italy
Role: Invited lecturer (with Marco Allegra, ICS-UL)
Main responsibilities: Preparation and presentation of a lecture in the space 'Trentametriquadri, Barrio San Siro' (Milan), as guest lecturer invited by the team of the research project 'Soholab' (POLIMI) and by local associations.
3rd International Conference of Young Urban Researchers (Jun, 2018)
University: University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL), Lisbon, Portugal
Role: Member of the organizing committee
Main Responsibilities: Organization of the event including of one parallel session on urban magazines; Moderation of the sessions; Curatorship of event outputs, including the book of abstracts.
HOUSING FORUM | Past Absences, Future Presences (Jun, 2018)
University: Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ICS-UL), Lisbon, Portugal
Role: Member of the organizing Committee
Main Responsibilities: Organization of a two-days housing forum involving civil servants of all the municipalities of Lisbon Metropolitan Area, as research activity of the project “exPERts” (PTDC/ATP EUR/4309/2014), including: Management of institutional relationships between the university and local authorities; Organization of world cafés with civil servants; Curatorship of event outputs.
European policies for urban areas | Invited Lecturer Nicolas Gharbi (DG Regio), exPERts Seminar Series (2017)
University: Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ICS-UL), Lisbon, Portugal
Role: Member of the organizing Committee
Main Responsibilities: Organization of the event; Management of institutional relationships.
A quiet revolution. Participatory budgeting from a Portuguese perspective | Film documentary by Pierre Stoeber and Giovanni Allegretti (2013)
Organization: Centre of Social Studies (CES), Coimbra, Portugal
Role: Technical assistant
Main responsibilities: Support to the conduction of video-interviews to experts and civil servants; Video Editing; Portuguese-English Translation.
Urban (ir)rationalities: Between global dynamics and local collective actions | 23th INURA Conference (Jun, 2013)
Organization: Centre of Social Studies (CES), Coimbra, Portugal
Role: Member of the organizing committee
Main responsibilities: Organization of the event in Lisbon and Coimbra, including the management of institutional relationships and curatorship of event outputs.
Participatory urban regeneration and urban agriculture project in Cova da Moura neighborhood (2012)
Organization: Faculty of Architecture of the University of Lisbon (GESTUAL/FA-UTL), Lisbon, Portugal
Role: Urban Planner
Main Responsibilities: Design, organization and coordination of several participatory processes for urban regeneration involving the local community and neighborhood’s commission, using different methodologies as Open Space Technology, Charrette, Planning for Real, Visioning and Roadmapping: (i) Urban agriculture project inside the primary school (EB1), with children and elders from the neighborhood (inter-generational approach and non-formal education): organizing and coordinating educational and training activities (with one public seminar with the international expert prof.Yves Cabannes, DPU) with elders teaching traditional agriculture techniques to children; participatory physical construction of the vegetable garden with direct involvement of children; participatory mapping with children, for the implementation of an urban agriculture project at neighborhood scale. (ii) Public space requalification (“Entrada Sul” Project) with children and young adults: seminar activities on eco-sustainability processes (non-formal education), in collaboration with local associations, local nurseries and primary school; start-up and follow-up of a collaborative process for the co-production of public space refurbishment, through participatory planning design. (iii) Ethnographic analysis on elders experience as informal urban farmers at neighborhood scale: spatial mapping; design and conducting interviews, development of a photographic essay; (iv) Technical assistance to the neighborhood commission on several urban regeneration related issues (e.g design proposal for a new neighborhood signage on existed local restaurant activities, spatial mapping of existed degraded public spaces, etc.). Please contact me for further information.
ParticiPAT. What to do, How to make a participatory urban plan for Quarto d'Altino | Participatory urban planning initiative (Feb, 2013)
Organization: University Institute of Architecture of Venice (IUAV), Venice, Italy
Role: Facilitator
Main Responsibilities: Moderation of the participatory urban planning initiative for the urban regeneration of the city of Quarto d'Altino (Coord. Liliana Padovani, Andrea Mariotto) including the organization of the world café and the curatorship of event outputs.
Ideas for a growing neighborhood. A participated project for Comacchio | Participatory urban planning initiative (Sept, 2012)
Organization: University Institute of Architecture of Venice (IUAV), Venice, Italy
Role: Facilitator
Main Responsibilities: Moderation of the participatory urban planning initiative for the territorial regeneration of the city of Comacchio (Coord. Stefano Munarin, Milena de Matteis) including the organization of the urban visioning process, the planning for real sessions, and the curatorship of event outputs.
From Station to Station | Participatory urban planning initiative (Oct, 2012)
Organization: University Institute of Architecture of Venice (IUAV), Venice, Italy
Role: Facilitator
Main Responsibilities: Moderation of the participatory urban planning initiative for the redesign of the sustainable cycle mobility system of the city of Mestre (Coord. Rubens Baiocco, Luca Velo) including the organization of the charrette sessions and the curatorship of event outputs.
What to do with the Bussa flyover? | Participatory urban planning initiative (Dec, 2012)
Organization: University Institute of Architecture of Venice (IUAV), Venice, Italy
Role: Facilitator
Main Responsibilities: Participation in the participatory urban planning initiative for the urban regeneration of a part of the "Isola" neighborhood in Porta Garibaldi, Milan (coord. Marinella Sclavi, Giulio Ernesti, Liliana Padovani), including the moderation of the charrette sessions.
Venice CityVision | International Urban Design Competition (2011)
Organization: City Vision
Role: Team leader (with Alessandro Olivotto, Michela Leoni and Teresa Lania).
Main Responsibilities: Management, development and submission of the urban design project proposal for the city of Venice focused on environmental protection measures.
Moving Landscape YUL-MTL | International Urban Design Competition (2011)
Organization: UNESCO Montreal and University of Montreal (CPEUM), Montreal, Canada
Role: Team leader (with Alessandro Olivotto e Teresa Lania).
Main Responsibilities: Management, development and submission of the urban design project proposal focused on environmental and landscape interventions for the gateway corridor linking Montreal-Trudeau International Airport (YUL) to its downtown area (MTL) along Autoroute 20.
Haiti Ideas Challenge. Seeking design solutions for the long term | International Urban Design Competition (2011)
Organization: Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture (ACSA)
Role: Team leader (with Alessandro Olivotto, Teresa Lania).
Main Responsibilities: Management, development and submission of the urban design project proposal to design permanent solutions for the rebuilding of infrastructures, cities and neighborhoods affected by the 2010 earthquake in Haiti. The project proposal was focused on the design of social housing unites integrating urban agricultures services leaded by the dwellers in order to foster local economy and to allow self food production.
Microjardin project and photographic essay on dwellers biographies in the City of Dead | Cairo, Egypt (2010)
Organization: Live in Slums NGO, Milan, Italy
Role: Urban Planner and Photographer
Main Responsibilities: Support to Live in Slums NGO fro the development of an urban agriculture project involving the local community; Development of a personal photographic essay on inhabitants biographies. Feel free to contact me for further information on the photographic project.
Photographic Essay on Solar Energy | Morocco and Spain (2011)
Organization: University of Sassari, Bauhaus University, and DOMUS Editorial “Workshop “Energyscapes Field Trip 2011”).
Role: Urban Planner and Photographer
Main Responsibilities: Photographic essay on renewable solar energy in Noor 1 (Ouarzazate, Morocco) and Planta Solar 10 (Sevillha, Espanha). Feel free to contact me for further information.
Photographic Essay on Mines Landscapes and Mine Workers | Montevecchio, Sardinia, Italy (2011)
Organization: University of Sassari, Bauhaus University, and DOMUS Editorial (“Workshop “Landworks Sardinia 2011").
Role: Urban Planner and Photographer
Main Responsibilities: Photographic essay on mine abandoned areas and on last mine workers. Feel free to contact me for further information.